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الخبيصه الاماراتيه (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 1 - المشاهدات : 34740 - الوقت: 09:09 PM - التاريخ: 01-13-2024)           »          حلوى المغلي بدقيق الرز (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 23741 - الوقت: 03:16 PM - التاريخ: 12-11-2023)           »          دروس اللغة التركية (الكاتـب : عمر نجاتي - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 30085 - الوقت: 11:25 AM - التاريخ: 08-21-2023)           »          فيتامين يساعد على التئام الجروح وطرق أخرى (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 31492 - الوقت: 08:31 PM - التاريخ: 07-15-2023)           »          صناعة العود المعطر في المنزل (الكاتـب : أفاق الفكر - آخر مشاركة : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 4 - المشاهدات : 64921 - الوقت: 10:57 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)           »          كحل الصراي وكحل الاثمد وزينت المرأة قديما من التراث (الكاتـب : Omna_Hawaa - آخر مشاركة : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 2 - المشاهدات : 59158 - الوقت: 10:46 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)           »          كيفية استخدام البخور السائل(وطريقة البخور السائل) (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 2 - المشاهدات : 51043 - الوقت: 10:36 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)           »          جددي بخورك (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 33423 - الوقت: 10:25 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)           »          عطور الإمارات صناعة تراثية (الكاتـب : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 0 - المشاهدات : 33693 - الوقت: 10:21 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)           »          خلطات للعطور خاصة (الكاتـب : أفاق : الاداره - آخر مشاركة : OM_SULTAN - مشاركات : 1 - المشاهدات : 39665 - الوقت: 10:12 PM - التاريخ: 11-06-2022)

إضافة رد
أدوات الموضوع تقييم الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 06-19-2006, 09:52 PM   رقم المشاركة : 1

أفاق : الاداره



أفاق : الاداره غير متواجد حالياً

الملف الشخصي

أفاق : الاداره غير متواجد حالياً

Faith fountain of happiness الايمان ينبوع السعادة

Faith fountain of happiness الايمان ينبوع السعادة

Happiness is not in the abundance of money. The power of wealth. The frequent child. No Neil benefit. No material science. Happiness is something felt by human Joanha : Safaa same. The heart of o0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oo0o0o0o0oment. The Anchrah issued. The rest conscience. Happiness as Dr. Yusuf Al-Qaradawi - : "The thing comes from inside the human. It is imported from abroad. If happiness tree Menbtha human psyche. The human heart. the belief in God, the house is another dried. The diet. The air " He says Adib Egypt (Mustafa Lutfi Almenv ****) mercy of God : "hath happiness in the world : pure conscience. The same calm. Sharif and the heart. " The angry husband tells his wife, he has an intimidating attitude : Lashqink. The wife said calmly : Tshqini can not, nor should possess brother. Husband said : How can I not? The wife said : if happiness in Lkotaath my salary, or decoration of jewellery and best Laharmatne, but something that is not owned by you, rather than people Ajmaun! ... Said the husband surprised at what is? The wife realized : I am happy in my faith, and my faith in my heart. The heart is one of the non-Sultan Rabbi! ... Our experiences in life, Dr Ahmed Amin, shows that faith in God supplier of torture Menahlaha happiness and resources. The biggest reason for the misery of the families of sons and daughters of God does not take care of their actions, but also caring and Mlfathm whims. If Vcha religion in the family, Strip where happiness. Dr. Jacob full : "The fact that Lamstha in my life - a doctor, that more fortunate people are more calm soul of a strong faith. The most loving fold of religion. " It happened once that one young doctors go with the professor to some patients in a university hospital. The Irish man Professor broad knowledge of an advanced age. The young man-made doctor whenever a patient has been marked by symptoms of the disease, writes in bed reminder of the phrase : "discharged and can leave the hospital." He noted Professor signs pride on the face of his student. He said it is shared by : Shtab word "discharged" Oh, I have. And write instead of the word "improvement". We can heal the sick. Suffice to Ithassanoa your hands on. The healing is from God alone. " Commenting on this, Dr. Kamel Jacob said : "I do not doubt that such a deep faith in science, alongside the rich is a matter of spiritual pleasure. and true happiness. " Happiness. In repose soul : The tranquillity self-undoubtedly-spring is the first happiness. "This quiet, as Dr Al-Qaradawi in his book values (Faith and Life), the spirit of God, dwelling in light fearful, and reassure his concern, and the sad reminder. " The uninsured in Ttozah worries many parents, and carved up by a variety of goals, a perplexed-pleasing instincts and pleasing community live. Having rested insured of all this, and countless goals are very keen for one, and it seeks, namely, Radwan God Almighty. God Almighty says : "It followed Hiday not lose not Ishaki * and introduce him on the anniversary of the hardship of living" Taha 122-123. Any tranquility were at the heart of Mohammed P.B.U.HH Day returned from Taif, Dame feet, a wounded heart of the ill-received by royalty, What he had lifted his hands to heaven, knocks on the doors of these words live pulsars were cold to his heart and peace : "have you complain double forte. Few Hilti. The Hoani people you Alerahmin techniques. You are the head of the vulnerable, You Rabbi. to Tlkeni? Etjehmeni to far? Or the enemy Mlkth orders? If you are going to anger. But Avick broader me. What illuminated face, which made possible the opening of a dark, and the reconciliation is the minimum come to assail me your anger. or solve Schtk. You Okbi so please, and do not helpless but God. " One of the most important factors of concern sad human past, the present outrage, and fear of the future. This advises psychologists and educators to forget the human Amsh mother, and living in the reality of today, the last after it is no longer me. He is one of the lecturers of a beautiful illustration of American universities while asking : km of timber March publication? Many of the students raised their fingers. Returned Isalhm : How much of March published Nshara wood? One of them did not lift finger. Then he records : Of course, no one can publish Nshara wood is actually published. So it is with the past, when things concern Intabacm occurred in the past, do you intervene turn that publication! Sawmilling. Happiness. Complacency : The highest degree of satisfaction with the degree of patience, not only from informing Attah believe God fully and patience, it is the view of your happy satisfied with the solution, whether defect or poorer or calamity, it occurred God willing, until the solution was found by the blessing of God Almighty. Therefore, the Messenger of Allah calls P.B.U.HH : "Consent to ask you to end. ". The Messenger of Allah Tell P.B.U.HH from satisfied, said : "The one most pleased with the scourge of Ahdkm tender" Abu your accounts. The Ihaddthna history that Saad bin Abi Waqqas P.B.U.H. ceased Basrah, and the unanswered call, a call comes people Vistjab them, One of them said to him : O uncle, that people would call yourself an individual God called you Beserk! P.B.U.H. said : You built, the district is better than me Basri. The disgruntled and by the plaintiffs did not receive delightful taste, Fhiathm all darkness and the dead. The insured right is satisfied with himself, satisfied with the heads, and is convinced that God is the best measure of the arrangement itself, his music says, "your hand good that everything Kadeer" Umran 26 Happiness. In the conviction and piety Printing of human love and the minimum, and is not happy that affect every wish. Assad, who was able to convince his. Saad bin Abi Waqqas his son : "O Bani, if requested by the rich Vatalph Balqanah. If they are not convinced. Ignik no money. ". And the most beautiful modern apostle of God P.B.U.HH which he says : is becoming safer to be in his body Serph healthy living day at a minimum it is acquired. Bukhari accounts. Deaf children Hatem said : I want the pilgrimage. Vpkoa, they said : to Kena? Daughter said to them : It is not an invitation Brazg. He travelled hungry, and are thus made Iopkhoun daughter said : Takhgelni not have them. Vemer their country and asked the Emir of water, Venaulh people Hatem Khoza new cold water, drink and said : Dar of this? Said : Dar Hatem Deaf. Fermi where gold necklace, and said owners : Ahbeni the optimal Fermi around them like this. Kenema girls cry, the mother said : Ibkik? Said : God has extended to us, she said : soul Vastegnina considered us, how would we view the Creator? Roy and Jamus in history that Omar bin Abdul Aziz, is - in its succession-man to buy him clothing eight Draham, Vastrah, Attah, by putting Omar hand, and said : What Alinh and done! Ftbsm man who brought it, Umar asked him : Why Tbsmt? Said : Because, oh leader of the faithful Amertne before you arrive succession that you have never bought from Khaz, you Vastrith 1,000 dirhams, placing hands on and I said : What Achchenh! You are today Tstlin eight Draham clothing? Omar said : oh this. I am anxious ... to Their Excellencies, as occurred on the highest place, got to the Principality Ftqet succession, Received succession Ftaght myself to what is the largest of the Paradise. Happiness. To avoid taboos : His Excellency incur any insured and avoid the campus is God. Any Delight in the heart when they find strays from the path of slippage and debauchery. The Messenger of Allah P.B.U.HH : "There is merit to be considered a Muslim woman first and then only the latest silent eyes of God worship him find Hallautha. Ahmed accounts Dr. Mustafa Al mercy of God : "If the job yourself Balmesseh Ffkrha God, if not because Ffkrha the morals of men, Unless restrained Ffkrha scandal if people knew about it, if not due Valm that in the hour turned into an animal. " In this sense says Ben Shiban ensue : It is installed secretly when no passengers are not passed Bserh How free and at the head of Gareth Shahidah is sacred The goods go bad deeds and remove duties. Said Ali bin Abi Talib P.B.U.H. : "What hostel scourge of guilt not only lifted only repentance" The curb amateur, and was not allowed to bully the Lshahuath called reasoning owner lovers, and Sa'd Deniah Acherth. It was reported by one of the kings : it visited a world Zahida, acknowledged, the individual ascetic peace and did not half-heartedly. Fgdb king said to him : that is fraught with me and I am yours? Ascetic He smiled and said to him : How are royal and Obeidi are Mlock. King said : Who were they? Said : his desires are. They are Mlock Abide! Happiness. In thanking blessings : Many people think that the largest yes to God and foremost is the blessing of money, and forget the blessing of health and wellness, and the blessing of sight and mind, parents and children and many other items. And happiness to convince that God will Abenaek good, seeks Lanchaehm good upbringing. It left the Omar Bin Abdul-Aziz has eight children, and is asking people to death bedding : What have you Labinak Omar? Said : God has left them stronger, they were good, God's Holy God is good, and that they otherwise would not leave them, appointed by God to anyone. Omar was behind each of the twelve sons only 14,750, while Hisham bin Abd Al-Malik Al-Khalifa had left each of his sons son of a hundred thousand dinars. Twenty years later, it has become the sons Omar Bin Abdul Aziz Esrgeon horses in the cause of God, having Mtassedkin much money, The sons of Hisham bin Abdul Malik They were sitting in a mosque Dar es Salaam, in the Abi Jaafar Al-Mansour, asking God Abad money is God. Finally, remember God yes you happy with what you have. You live amidst an atmosphere full of the blessings of God and man must be aware that the blessings. How many people do not realize Fadlallah not deprived when one of those blessings? Dr. Mustafa Al : "button Court once a year to publicize Fadlallah you to the good creatures. Visit the hospital once a month to publicize Fadlallah you in health and disease. Visit the garden once a week to publicize Fadlallah you in the beauty of nature. Visit the library once a day to publicize Fadlallah you in mind. Each button and your Lord that you know Fadlalla Yes in life " One says : Let you, Bani hours Iomk and Lek. Due to your Lord and Mbdak sat in the Mbdek Muserk. Accountant yourself what I said from the days of age. If it finds Vashker well. If shortages Vjahid and Astabr. " 3,200

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